Monday, March 3, 2014

Tasting - Masseria Cicella Primitivo

Name:Masseria Cicella Primitivo
Variety: 100% Primitivo
Region: Salento
Country: Italy
Year: 2011
Price: $15.95

Winery Review: A wine sourced purely from Primitivo grapes grown and harvested throughout Lizzano, Torricella and Taranto. The long maceration of the skins provides a rich extraction and an intense, deep ruby red color with a particular aroma of blackberry and plum. The smoothness of its palates amazes as its flavor whole and persistent with a pleasant sweetness in the end. An ideal complement to meats, game and cheeses.

My Review: This wine had a very oaky aroma. The start was smooth with a nice plum flavor that carried through the wine. The finish was not too tannic and overall was not a bad red wine.

I did not have this with food.

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